(L to R: Kirby, Me, Toni, Hope, Maddie Grace, Anthony and Emma)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Home is Where the Heart is
(L to R: Kirby, Me, Toni, Hope, Maddie Grace, Anthony and Emma)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Holiday Baking Pt. 2 and 3
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
The rubbing of the face.
The looking rather pathetic.
Finally, a good one.
After the pictures, we went up to the office and were looking through the pictures, while Kirby chewed on his favorite blue ball. Sizzle insisted that she helped. Thank goodness Kirby is a good boy and very patient.
All of us had a wonderful Christmas, everyone in the family must have been on Santa’s good list, because I think everyone got what they wanted and more. Anthony and I are and were so happy to be home with family for the holidays, and can’t wait for the upcoming events.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Holiday Baking Pt. 1
Saturday, December 18, 2010
O' Christmas Tree
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Seattle Pops
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Long time NO POST!
After being here 4 days, I started at my new Starbucks, I love the store and the people I work with! Two days after starting, I was heading home and my Trailblazer's check engine light came on, UGH! Luckily it was nothing big and was fixed with a tightening of a gas cap and an oil change. Thank you car, remember I love you and need you to last me a while longer!
Thanksgiving....what a wonderful day! Food, family and friends what more could we ask for. Anthony and I have so much to be thankful for this year and well every year, but especially this year! Lastly, my growing belly! As I head into my third trimester, I feel myself slowing down, which I must admit, I do NOT like. I have lots to do and want to do it all. I promise I will post another belly picture soon. In the meantime, I hope everyone had a great holiday and hope to get out in the sleepy garden soon!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fall is here and Winter is approaching
Friday, November 12, 2010
Herbs for the Winter
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sad and Sleepy Garden
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
23 weeks!!
We are having a boy and his name is going to be Aiden Paul Cantor. Anthony was sure it was a boy all along and Baby Aiden proved him to be right. Right now Baby Aiden spends most of his day rolling around and kicking me. Sometimes he kicks or elbows me so hard that my tummy bounce, which makes me laugh and then he does it more. I quess he thinks he is a comedian. The other thing that is crazy is that when Anthony talks and kisses my belly, Baby Aiden goes CRAZY!
For now this is how we enjoy our baby, but we can't wait to enjoy him when he gets here!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tropical Citrus Trees
Thankfully my parents have a great gardener friend that is going to let me put them in his greenhouse for the winter along with all his trees. YAY! I am hoping he will help me prune them, fertilize them and just teach me about the overall care of them. Can't wait to pick his brain for sure.
I did some reading last night about them and so far, by accident I have done all the right things. Yippee! Also yesterday while taking their picture I notice these really SHARP THORNS on them, I said to Anthony I didn't know Citrus Fruit Trees had thorns on them. He didn't know that either, but later when I was reading the website said that they have thorns on them to help protect them from predators. It also stated that you can certainly prune them off or just wait and as the tree gets older they will lessen. Interesting, interesting!!
I love that you can always learn something new when it comes to gardening!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Garden is DEAD!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Can't take them anywhere!
I believe in this picture she was texting Basket Gal!