Happy Eating!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Baby Food!
When we found out we were having a baby, we immediately started talking about what type of diapers we wanted to use, whether I was going to breast feed or not, and what types of food we were going to expose the baby too. All of these conversations were long, thoughtful, and researched. We initially decided on cloth diapers, which we used for the first 6 months or so. They were fabulous and I have no complaints about them, however, when I went back to work it became very difficult keeping up with the washing, hanging to dry and so on. So onto disposables we went. Ok, enough about diapers onto whats really important FOOD! One thing Anthony and I both agreed on is that I would nurse Aiden as long as I could and then we would feed him the best possible things we could, whether it be formula or when the time came the best possible whole foods. So we set out on our journey and here we are, making huge batches of baby food about once a month. Here is Aiden investigating what I am doing in the kitchen!
Below are some pictures of what our process looks like when we make baby food. Aiden has consistently eaten homemade baby food from the beginning. The only time he has eaten jarred baby food was when we flew to Boston for a week and it was just plain easier when traveling. Other than that he has only ever eaten what we have made. Below is a picture of his food frozen into individual portions ready for use whenever needed! I believe these two bags are Yams (on the left) and Zucchini, Yellow Squash and Onion (on the right).
This is my handy-dandy food processor. My mom bought a magic baby bullet and while I love it for blending up small things, the food processor works better for large batches.
This is a bunch on the food put into containers waiting to be frozen. This food includes, bananas, acorn and butternut squash, eggplant, parsnips, turnips, and peas. I add herbs and spices to different vegetables to help develop his palate even more.
Here are some individual containers that I use to plan out meals for Aiden, these are kept in the fridge and can be used whenever. These are perfect serving sizes and Aiden eats about 2 at every meal.
Here are the freezer containers! I love these!! I wish I had more of these, but unfortunately you can't just order these. So I am stuck freezing food in batches, but I love it. I love knowing that what Aiden is getting is the best possible food I can give him.
I have learned I am very lucky as Aiden will eat and try anything when it comes to food. He loves pretty much everything and always wants to eat what we are eating. We continue to encourage this behavior and I am sure we will have our ups and downs but for now we are enjoying making his food and watching him explore new foods as we introduce them to him.
Happy Eating!
Happy Eating!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Happy Birthday to Me!
This year my birthday fell on a Monday, which meant everyone had to work including me. It was kinda sad as this was the first year that it seemed as though my birthday was just another day. I have had many special and wonderful birthdays, so I guess I really have nothing to complain about, and I am really not complaining at all. Spending the afternoon with Aiden and then having cake with my parents was plenty of a celebration for me. However, Anthony and I celebrated my birthday this past Thursday, by going to see Cavalia. It was truly amazing and I am so glad you went. We had already seen it when we lived in Georgia, but it was just as good the second time as it was the first. I am so glad we went and it was great to just spend the evening with my wonderful Hubby. Below is a picture of our cute little family before we left for the evening. Pretty soon we will be celebrating Aiden's 1st Birthday!

Here is the HUGE tent that the show is seen in as well as the housing for the horses. It is truly an amazing sight. So glad we went, I loved every minute of it.
Here is the HUGE tent that the show is seen in as well as the housing for the horses. It is truly an amazing sight. So glad we went, I loved every minute of it.
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