Monday, February 22, 2010

Meatless Monday

Tonight we have officially completeld 'Meatless Monday!' Now don't worry we are not becoming vegetarians, but I thought it would be fun to try. Plus it will help Anthony broaden his vegetarian menu. We had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato and basil soup. It was very good and both of us were full afterwards so we will see how long this lasts. On the menu for tomorrow...steak!!!


  1. I have heard about Meatless Monday! I will have to try this....may be difficult since Jeff says something on his plate must at one time have had a mother! I have gotten away on occasion to feed him eggs for dinner because I tell him it makes the "girls" happy! Pictures of new house and yard soon :)

  2. Good luck with that! We don't eat very much beef anymore, but can't give up other meat...our latest favorite is chicken/apple sausages!

  3. P.S. I would love to have some of your new vegan recipes...I have been making different veggie soups this winter and some are good and some are not so great.
