First off, the move went well or as well as to be expected. Anthony had a head cold during the move and now I have it lucky me!!!
Tuesday morning on our way out of town, I discovered a black and white pointer on the side of the road. She was so cute and came right to me when I got out of the car. So needless to say I picked her up and since I was headed out of town so I took her to the nearest veterinary clinic to see if they would keep her until I could figure out what to do. Just what I needed was to find a dog. After dropping the new dog off I continued on my happy little way to St. Louis. We arrived in St. Louis aroung 6pm which wasn't to bad. Anthony's boss, Jaco came over and helped Anthony move our mattress into the house as it weighs so much and is to big for me to move very far. We unpacked a little that night about a third or so and did the rest in the morning. Anthony and I returned the truck on Wednesday afternoon, which was actually a day early. Thursday we left St. Louis and headed back to South Carolina as we had a dog show and my trailblazer and jet skis were at a friend's house. Friday I returned to Georgia as no one had claimed the dog I had found, of course!!! I was happy to go and retrieve her, as she is super sweet. She was thrilled to see me again and my dogs looked at her as if to say, "mom, what the heck is wrong with her!" I explained to them that not every dog is as lucky as they are, however they didn't seem to care and right on with their self-entitled behavior. Anthony was a big winner thankfully at the dog show which was nice. He cooked an amazing dinner for me and friends on both Friday and Saturday night. Saturday I took the little rescue dog to her foster home for the time being. She should be up on the Pointer Rescue Website this week and we are hoping she will find a home pronto.
Sunday was a long drive back, but both us and the dogs were happy to be back. Anthony started his first day of work and so far so good. Let me tell you, 3am is really early. He now works 4am to about noon or so. It was nice to have him home early this afternoon and we got lots done. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will feel a little better that I can get more done on my own, but we will see. I attached a picture of my little rescue dog. She was so sweet and just happy to be alive. I will take pictures of the house and yard soon.
I told your mom after she told me this story that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! You are a good person and that dog was lucky that you came by when you did.