This would be our attempt at taking a family photo, well half the family...as usual Kirby can't seem to cooperate. Heaven for bid should he just stand, face the camera and be happy! UGH, maybe when he's 10 he'll be less of a butt! And Emma bless her heart, she always closes her eyes. You would think as much as I take their picture they would just deal with it.

Next me telling Kirby to STOP AND JUST BEHAVE!!! He said NO!

Sprouts...Day 3 or 4 I don't remember.

Garden bed #1 all cleaned out, this is where I discovered all the worms in my previous post. The second bed is coming, I started by myself but I decided I needed more muscle...enter Anthony!!!
Well I am caught up on my pictures. Anthony and I spent yesterday taking the rest of the boxes to the basement, woohoo, I am mostly box free. Today is suppose to be right around 60 degrees so I think we will take the dogs to the park again! This time we will take Maddie Grace, and Hope. I am think I am going to have to buy two more flexi-leads as I have 4 dogs and only 2 flexis! Anthony has to work today and tomorrow but has Monday off, so I think Monday will be the day we work out in the garden again. Oh, I did plant potatos yesterday, have no clue if they will grow but will give it a try!