Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

So I didn't get to go to the parade since Anthony had to work late, BUT we did take the dogs for a walk at the park, which was totally packed thanks to the parade. So we took three dogs, Kirby, Hope and Emma as well as two Korean Interns that Anthony works with. Anthony had asked me if we could go pick them up and take them to the park with us as they don't have a car and can't get around very easily. So off to the park we went. I decided to let them walk Hope as I thought she would be the best for them. SHE WAS AWFUL!! As soon as we got out of the car, Hope took one look at those two girls and knew she was in for the best walk of her life. She sniffed and drug those poor two girls all over the park. The funny thing is the girl loved it! Note to self, my dogs are smarter than I give them credit for and they take FULL ADVANTAGE of situations! Bad dogs!

Kirby and Emma were thrilled as they got to go swimming! Kirby jumped right in as always and Emma ran along the edge whinning and then gave in and jumped in. Silly dog!

All in all it was a good St. Patty's Day!! The only bad thing was that Maddie Grace couldn't go with us as she is inseason! She had a fit when we left and it made me feel so bad. For the next two days Anthony doesn't have to work so we will be busy working out in the yard, as my seedlings are getting big and they need to move to their permanent home!

1 comment:

  1. Never underestimate the intelligence of a dog unless of course your name is Toni Baloney! Are your garden beds in a separate area than the fenced area for the dogs? I am not sure what we are going to do about the chickens when our plants are first growing! Once they are established no problem but I think they will like those baby plants! :)
