We did survive another 'Meatless Monday,' yesterday. We did cheat, however, and go to a pizza place. Now this is not just any pizza place it is totally organic, and all their ingreidents are bought locally. I discovered this place on a website I got from the Natural Living Expo. Can I just say the pizza was DE-LISH!! So in my effort to save money by eating meat one less night a week I spoiled it by going out to dinner! Oops.
While at Lowes the other day, I found a sprouting tray for only 10 dollars, sprouts included. I figured I would try it and if it worked well, I would have an easy to use sprouting tray and if not well then I guess I would still have a sprouting tray. Below is a picture of my tray and Day 1 of my seeds! I will post pictures each day to show you how I am doing.
Next our my seed trays. I started peas, salad greens, parsley, pumpkins and broccoli. This is my third attempt at broccoli...if it does not work this time, I am giving up! I will post pictures of my sprouts as they come up.
BUT the biggest discovery of today was EARTHWORMS!! Anthony (bless his heart) and I cleaned out one of my garden beds and there were so many earthworms. Oh my goodness, I have never been so excited about dirt! The one bad thing we discovered about atleast this garden bed is that it was full of gravel. I am hoping that with some tilling and some more compost and dirt that the gravel will be less. I am going to rake some of it out as well, BUT, oh my gosh the earthworms, big ones, long ones, vigorus ones, it was truly amazing!! Everything I have read says that if you have lots of worms you have good dirt, so fingers crossed!! Pictures to come...
I think this is it for today, I am off to watch American Idol. Goodnight!
Good luck with the job interview! I still get excited when I see worms in the garden, too. I put them in my pots and containers. I almost started a worm box for composting, but never got around to it. You can get red worms to do this with and it is supposed to be the best compost for your garden.