Saturday, July 10, 2010

Anthony's been gardening....

So after yesterday we have decided that next year we will do an 'Anthony garden' and a 'Darcie garden.' Since I was at work all day, my wonderful hubby took it upon himself to do unsupervised gardening, scary I know. So this is what happend....

The basil and the rest of the herbs have been split into several pots and the rest of the tomatoes have been planted and various other things have been moved around. Although I welcome the help, I am little scared when I come home and find him outside with a shovel and other tools. I wanted to wait until the basil got a little bigger before transplanting it, but so far it is fine so I guess it was big enough to handle it. Mom, a couple of those pots are coming your way, as well as that oregano that is in the bottom right hand corner of the picture above. Also the first picture has a pot with Thyme in it for you too!! Soon you will be cooking with fresh herbs, yummy!!


  1. I love all the cute herb pots. Chris still thinks everything in the garden is weeds with flowers, so I don't think he will be joining me anytime soon. I'm ok with that, because I can do what I want too without any interruptions or other opinions.
