Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Last day of the year!
Wow, what a year! I don't even know where to begin. I have been so blessed this year and have so much to be thankful for. Aiden is truly a blessing and can't wait to see what kind of adventures await us in 2012. So goodbye 2011, you have been a blast, but 2012 brings new opportunities.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sad Broccoli
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Garden Update!
Everything is coming along nicely! However, Anthony did some research and found that soon my Broccoli will be a complete bust. UGH! I always say this but I am going to give broccoli one more try and then give up! Here is the Brassica's bed, other than the Broccoli, everything else is growing quite nicely!
We are starting to harvest Lettuce regularly and I have enjoyed a few salads from the garden. The radishes are coming along nicely this year and are quite tasty!!
My Cauliflower is going to suffer from the same thing my Broccoli is suffering from(more on that later). But here it is in all its glory!
My poor 3 Tomatoes!! That one is still rather sad looking, but I am going to fix that as soon as it stops raining! Time for the tent look!!
Here is the broccoli.....bolting its way to the sky....NOT GOOD!
Finally got everything planted in this bed and the corn and potatoes are already coming up!!!
These red cabbages are coming along slowly, and aren't doing as well as the green cabbages, but this is only my second attempt at cabbage. Last year, the really awesome St. Louis bugs got them! Hopefully the slugs won't get them this year.
I have a few tomatoes coming, here is the biggest one. I still have to plant more tomatoes. I would like to do that this weekend, but don't know if I will get lucky enough to do so,
So what is left to do....plant more tomatoes, plant my squash, zucc, and cucumber starts and put up tents around these things so they don't die of frost bite!!! Ugh, I miss the southern weather!!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Broccoli Questions???
For the past 3 years I have tried to grow Broccoli but have always failed. First I couldn't even get the darn plants to grow, the next time they grew into small broccoli plants, but were eaten in one night (literally one night) and last year I grew huge broccoli plants but never got any broccoli heads. Now I love broccoli and my family does too, so there is a lot of disappointment when I fail in the garden. So this year, I once again have a new garden and this time a new climate, well this is what I have...8 small plants, growing quite nicely.
However, should they have little broccoli heads already?
Here is a close up, and all the plants look like this.
Is this ok, what should I do, if anything. I beginning to think I may like broccoli, but it sure doesn't like me!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Garden Update
Sunday and Monday were such beautiful days that I did my best to get more stuff into the garden. I was pretty successful, I got a whole another bed planted. All I have left is the squash, cucumbers and of course the rest of the Tomatoes. Below are all the beds.
Here is the potato, onion and corn bed. Yes it is all there. On the left side of the bed you can see a volunteer potato plant. More on the subject later.
These are red cabbage plants they are just now starting to take off. The rest of this bed will be squash and cucumbers.
Broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts are coming along very nicely, more on the broccoli situation later.
Here is the first bed I planted as you can see, still no peas, apparently I have failed on the pea situation. Ooops!
I still only have 3 tomatoes, but maybe this week I will get some more. Two of them are doing really well and the other one is really stressed. I am hoping with some better weather it will come around.
Gardening in the northwest is proving to be a little more fickle than the other places I have lived, however the plants are definitely getting enough water. UGH!
Here is the potato, onion and corn bed. Yes it is all there. On the left side of the bed you can see a volunteer potato plant. More on the subject later.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Aiden's First Party
Last weekend, my mom, Aiden and I headed across the water to Vashon Island to celebrate the Hampl-Newman boys first birthday. It was great fun and the boys are just as cute as can be. Here are few pictures from the party. Starting with Jack being a ham!
Baby Aiden is very serious at parties!
The boys getting ready to blow out their candles.
Happy Family!!! They made it through their first year with twins! Now that's something to celebrate.
Jack trying to take off his birthday hat!
A big yawn from Aiden, partying is exhausting!
Michael being very good about his birthday hat!
Grandma Jeanne and Jack with Aiden and I. Baby Aiden is cat napping, parties are very tiring!
The beautiful birthday cake!
Grandpa Peter and the boys!
It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun celebrating with the boys and their friends and family!
Monday, May 30, 2011
For the past 3 years I have wanted a greenhouse and I know that someday I will get one, but in the meantime I have to be creative. So here is creativity at its finest. I have learned that if you put the seed trays with lids in the grass that it keeps them warmer then placing them on the pavement or on a table. So here they are in all there glory....in the grass!
Also I have learned that pre-sprouting seeds is the way to go. However, one must be careful when doing this, because if you forget about them this is what happens. You get crazy little seedlings. With Baby Aiden around I tend to forget about the garden, but I am trying to spend a little time each day. I don't know if all these seedlings will survive but I am hoping some of them will!
I am hoping to get these out in the garden in a few weeks, if they don't make it however, we will be buying starter plants. :)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Garden Update
I believe these little seedlings have been in the ground about 2 weeks now and they are coming along quite nicely.
Here are the red cabbage plants they are the slowest to get going I am not sure why, as I have never grown cabbage before.
Anthony's pepper plants are all planted and sitting in the sun! I am hoping that having them in pots will help keep them warm enough. I used mushroom compost in the pot and on top as mulch so I think that will help too.
Are lonely Artichoke! I love Artichokes, so I am hoping to get a few!
Here is the brassica bed, it is coming along nicely. The purple Brussel Sprouts seem to be growing the best, which I am VERY pleased about.
My first planting of peas was a COMPLETE flop. Who messes up growing peas...aparently I DO! One of three things could have happened, either I planted them to deep, the seeds were bad or lastly in the monsoon we had they could have gone bad. So I replanted some new seeds in hopes to get peas this year!
Friday, May 27, 2011
College bound
GeoTagged, [N47.37128, E122.54653]
He may only be 2 and half months old but he already has his college picked out. Go Huskies!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Baby's Nutrition
1. Smart Fats
2. Best Carbs
3. Proteins
4. Young Tastes
5. Fiber
6. Vitamins and Minerals
7. Iron
8. Calories
9. Raise a Lean Baby
2. Best Carbs
3. Proteins
4. Young Tastes
5. Fiber
6. Vitamins and Minerals
7. Iron
8. Calories
9. Raise a Lean Baby
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Pepper Plans
Friday, May 20, 2011
Old Lady!
Recently I was invited to play in an Alumni Girls Waterpolo game. I was super excited and then I suddenly realized that I was 10 years older, really out of shape and just had a baby 8 weeks. Scary I know, but what the heck you only live once. Everyone in my family joked that I was going to drown and there was a part of me that thought they might be right. So last Monday my hubby, brother, baby and I all headed to my old high school for the game. Can I just say, it was a blast and it was just like riding a bike. I remembered everything, the rules, how to grip the ball and most importantly how to tread water and SWIM! Here are a few pictures from the big day, I hope that we can do this again really soon. What a great work out!
Here is a few from the actual game! The only thing I wanted was to wear my old number...#14! And I did!
I am so glad that I was brave enough to go out and play, it was great fun and hope to do it again!
I am so glad that I was brave enough to go out and play, it was great fun and hope to do it again!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
When we first started bathing Aiden he hated it, and I mean HATED IT! Now, it could have been the sponge baths we gave due to his umbilical cord drying up, but nonetheless he hated them but now he LOVES them! As you can see he is all smiles!
Daddy singing rub-a-dub-dub to him! One of his favorites.
Getting all dried off! He is even learning to enjoy the lotion, it has taken sometime to teach him lotion is not poison.
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