When we first started bathing Aiden he hated it, and I mean HATED IT! Now, it could have been the sponge baths we gave due to his umbilical cord drying up, but nonetheless he hated them but now he LOVES them! As you can see he is all smiles!

Daddy singing rub-a-dub-dub to him! One of his favorites.

Getting all dried off! He is even learning to enjoy the lotion, it has taken sometime to teach him lotion is not poison.

All dry, and a cloth fuzzi bunz diaper on! He is getting a little chubby too! That is not the normal changing table cover, but while Daddy was changing him, we had an accident. So a blanket works just as well!

All done and still smiling! Thanks Daddy for doing bath duty, so I could take some really cute pictures!

Hope everyone has a great day!!! I know I will with this smiley little boy!
What a beautiful happy baby he is!! I think he looks like Daddy!