Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who Has Who Trained?

Who ever said chickens weren't smart, was so WRONG! These are my parents chickens; Oprah, Beyonce and Michelle, they are Black Stars. Aren't they pretty? Anyway, back to why they are so smart. First, they are not remotely afraid of the dogs, I guess they know, the dogs stay on their side of the fence and that we will protect them from the dogs. Next and most importantly, the picture below is of them standing at the sliding glass door. This is where Jeff feeds them bread and they have learned that if he is home he will feed them multiple times from this exact spot.
So this is what happens if they see people in the house they come running, then they stare in the house to see if Jeff (my step-dad) is home. When he doesn't appear they decide it is time to do go and do what chickens do best. Hunt and Peck!! Below is a picture of them deciding he his not home and that is time for them to find food on their own.

So whoever said that chickens weren't smart, never met our chickens I guess. The girls know who the weakest link is in our family, I mean, the dogs know that Jeff is the weakest link and that they will always get food from him, but now even the chickens have figured it out!!!


  1. I have tried to tell people our chickens are smart! And Jeff is not the weakest link he is just the kindest :)

  2. Yes, Jeff is a kind person...I understand, because I am the weakest link at our house, too! I miss the golden eggs:)

  3. Sorry Anthony eats them all!! I will tell him he has to share!
