Friday, September 14, 2012

Starbucks good to drink AND good for the soul

I have worked for Starbucks for 6 years and loved almost every minute of it. While I love the day to day work of interacting with customers, I really enjoy the volunteer work we do. Recently the gig harbor store got together went to help out a wonderful facility right in our back yard. I was amazed to find out such a place even existed in gig harbor. It's name.....'A place called Hope' a foster and adoption office. About 12 of us got together, re-organized and cleaned 2 rooms, one being a classroom the other being a meeting room between a potential new family and child. We were so happy to be helping out our community. Here are a few pictures from the day.
Starbucks Barista's rock! On a sidenote, we had many other family member volunteers, including my wonderful husband!
Trying to sort through and organize thousands of clothes, shoes and other donations.
Trying to set up affective shelving for all of the tubs of clothing.
More organizing.
The tree one of our amazing barista's painted for the meeting room. Each volunteer put their hand prints on the tree, as a reminder that their our people out there that care.
Fellow barista and her son, putting his hand prints up on the tree.
My wonderful husband, making his mark.
Traci, my wonderful boss. It was a great day and we all had a wonderful time. I could not think of a better way to spend a day off. 

Busy Summer

Since February, we have been on the go and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. We have celebrated Aiden's first birthday, moved into our own house, shown a lot of dogs, Anthony was promoted and most importantly we have had a lot of fun. My next few posts will be all about catching up. I wont go crazy but I will spend sometime reflecting on things we have done and maybe somethings we will do next year instead. Hope everyone has had a great summer and as we head into fall, there will be plenty of baking, joy and all around excitement!