My amazing friends and family threw the best baby shower for me. It was absolutely wonderful and I had great time. This is the adorable diaper cake that my friend Erica made me. So cute!

My wonderful hubby was recruited to make all the food. Here is a picture of all the appetizers, the only appetizer you can't see is the crab stuffed mushrooms. For dessert we had chocolate covered strawberries and a chocolate torte. Mmmmm DE-LISH!

Below is the hilarious Womb Bear, given to me by my friends Carmen and Jenn. This lovely bear is suppose to help Baby Aiden sleep. We will see, I am willing to try it.

My cousin had this amazing portable little chair, so I made sure to register for one. Thank you Aunt Cydie for this wonderful gift.

Some of the guests at my baby shower. I am so glad so many people could make it and am sorry that a few couldn't.

I received so many wonderful gifts, thank you all for making this such a wonderful experience. Next stop Baby Aiden!!!!
It was great fun! It was great to see eveyone!