Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Father, Son Time
We are having such a wonderful time getting to know our little boy. He changes so much from day to day! Today he was awake for the longest time while Anthony was home. So I offered to make lunch while Anthony held him. Here are some pictures I took after lunch of them spending some quality time before Anthony left for work!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
First Outing
Since I am not allowed to drive for 2 weeks, I have been at the house! So today I decided to see if Anthony would take me to Target, as I needed some things from there, and then I had uploaded some pictures to and really wanted the prints. So off we went!
We made it, first to Target, Anthony and Baby Aiden stayed in the car while I ran in and got a few things, then we made a pit stop at Starbucks. The girls had been dying to see him, so we just stopped by for a minute. He was a very good little boy. Lastly we stopped at Costco and I ran in and got my prints.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Happy 1 week Birthday!
I can't believe it has been a week already! Where did the time go...he is getting so big and SO SWEET! Luckily Anthony didn't have to work today so he got to spend the day with us and celebrate his birthday.
Here he is...1 week old! He loves to stretch out, but he spends a lot of the day snuggled up next to me! I don't want that to end!
Going Home
Since labor and delivery was so long and somewhat difficult ulitmately ending in a c-section the doctors decided to keep me all the way to Thursday morning. Let me tell you, I was ready to go home. No wonder everyone seems to get better after they leave the hospital, nurses are constently coming in to check on you, and the food is dreadful and let me just say communication in a hospital is not their strong point. Anyway, we were thrilled to be going home!
He was such a good little boy in the car, went right to sleep and slept until we got home.
We are so glad to be home. Baby Aiden is doing wonderfully at home, he sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours at a time, eats like a good little boy and is happy when he is awake! Anthony and I love him very much and think he is the cutest thing on this planet!
We are so glad to be home. Baby Aiden is doing wonderfully at home, he sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours at a time, eats like a good little boy and is happy when he is awake! Anthony and I love him very much and think he is the cutest thing on this planet!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Baby Aiden is HERE!!!
Baby Aiden Paul Cantor arrived March 14th, 2011 at 7:26pm. He weighed in at 7lbs 11oz and was 19 inches long. It was a long process, but worth every minute of it!

Our 1st Family Photo....this is in the recovery room after my c-section.
Friday, March 11, 2011
YAY, first seedling!
It's a cucumber!!! Well, while I am waiting, ever so impatiently for our baby to arrive, I am starting to garden. YAY!!!! This is the first seedling to emerge, I am already worried as it is a little leggy, but I can fix that, pretty easily.
This brought me some joy today, hopefully our little boy will bring me A TON of JOY very soon!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Who Has Who Trained?
Who ever said chickens weren't smart, was so WRONG! These are my parents chickens; Oprah, Beyonce and Michelle, they are Black Stars. Aren't they pretty? Anyway, back to why they are so smart. First, they are not remotely afraid of the dogs, I guess they know, the dogs stay on their side of the fence and that we will protect them from the dogs. Next and most importantly, the picture below is of them standing at the sliding glass door. This is where Jeff feeds them bread and they have learned that if he is home he will feed them multiple times from this exact spot.
So this is what happens if they see people in the house they come running, then they stare in the house to see if Jeff (my step-dad) is home. When he doesn't appear they decide it is time to do go and do what chickens do best. Hunt and Peck!! Below is a picture of them deciding he his not home and that is time for them to find food on their own.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fruit Trees
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Finally....Some Gardening!!!
Finally today I had enough energy to go out, clean out some pots and trim up some stuff. Here are some herbs I have left from last year and the year prior to that. I believe that herbs are Anthony's favorite part of the garden, so I try my best not to kill them. I am going to look into some new pots for the Rosemary and my Blueberry Bushes, I dont want to plant them into the ground until we get our own house....someday.
My parsley came back, who knew! If you ignore parsley, parsley will come.
Seeds for the 2011 Garden Season! I planted all kinds of things. YAY!!! Brussel Sprouts, Artichokes, Pumpkins, Long Season Squash and Cucumbers. I know its early put I am hoping to either put them in a greenhouse or hoop house once they get big! Maybe a cold frame?!!?!

All ready to start sprouting, let the season begin!! PLEASE!!!
So this is what I did to pass the time waiting for baby Aiden, and still no Baby Aiden!! UGH!!!
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