After work today I decided that I had the energy to make the dogs' new cookies! Since I don't have any children, the dogs are royally spoiled, complete with homemade food, and organic homemade cookies. Since going back to work, however, I have switched from making them homemade food to a very good, really experience organic dog food, which they seem to be happy with. Here is my champion and best cookie taste tester. He is patiently wait for the cookies to be done. (Oh, and he is the cutest dog ever!)

First I cut up the piccolo zucchini and put it through my food processor, added two eggs, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, some chicken stock, a pinch of salt and blended it all together. It actually made a really pretty green color!

Then I added a cup of cornmeal and blended. Lastly, I added two cups of organic whole wheat flour! When you take the dough out of the processor it is really sticky.

I knead the dough for a minute or so, adding a little more flour when it gets too sticky. Then I divide it into three balls.

Roll it out and cut out whatever shape I want! This time I did hearts.

Place on a non-stick cookie sheet and bake on 400 for 20 minutes or so.

Da, dog cookies! I use these mostly for bedtime. Usually I make smaller ones for everyday use or 'just because' cookies. When my mom and step-dad visited last summer they said my dogs were too fat, due to, too many cookies. So I made the cookies smaller, but kept the amount given the same. I am sure I will have plenty zucchini to make lots more! My dogs go crazy for cookies anyway, but it makes me feel better knowing what exactly is in them.

I did tell the dogs, however that they were going to have share with a few friends. Sharing is not their strong point, but they are happy to have friends over to play, so they are learning to share. I am also going to freeze some and see how they defrost. If the cookies do well then I will be able to make enough zucchini cookies to last for a while. In the fall, I make them pumpkin cookies and those are there favorite, but the winter is a little sparse in the cookie making department.
This week is bringing cooler weather, so I am hoping that my garden will be back on track, it had slowed with it being so hot. My second planting of green beans are coming along nicely, I am hoping to have tons of green beans, maybe enough to last a couple months. (Fingers crossed)
All for now, one more day of work and then a day off! Hoping to go to the park, the dogs will be thrilled to go swimming, Anthony will be off to play golf with his friends so I will spend some much needed time with them.
How come he never curled up and slept like that when he lived at my house? Oh right he is older now! My dogs are going to want to go home with you if you make them cookies like that.....Matt is ready to go:) He has been voted off the night time island once again!
ReplyDeleteThe Bouf is the best house pet ever!!! He loves to cuddle too! I will make them cookies when I am there it is super easy and Bologna will be happy she loves my cookies!
ReplyDeleteI am not taking Matt, NO WAY!!! I have plenty of problem children I don't need yours!
I'll have to try these for Lucy...she only gets store bought treats. I almost have zucchini ready!