After a few days of doing big people things (i.e. bill paying, working and organizing) it was nice to return to the garden. Although our garden is part of the yard and I go out and walk around when I am out with dogs I have to make time to weed and plant. I admire my zucchinis everyday though, this is the first year that they are not suffering from powdery mildew and this is the first year that they are huge and dark green. I don't know if it is the variety I chose or if it is just the difference between in a pot and in the ground. Look at these zucchinis totally organic and totally beautiful!!!

My squash is equally as beautiful.

My Brussel Sprouts have recovered from whatever little bug ate them in the beginning. I am going to make up a batch of pepper garlic spray to ward off anymore bugs that might come along!

My cucumbers are finally growing! Apparently they don't like to be transplanted, I will have to remember that for next year! I planted 3 different varieties, and it at least one of each variety is doing well, the others are beginning to catch up.

Lastly I just planted these Scallop Zucchini, I have no idea what color they are going to be as this was a variety pack. I let the seedlings get pretty leggy on accident as there wasn't time to plant them. They have been in the ground about 3 days and seem to be doing just fine so we will see.

This is my third tomato that is starting to ripen, and there is a fourth too!! WOOOHOOO! Now if I could just shoot the birds that would be great! I used plastic bags tied to the tomato cages last year to scare off the birds and it seemed to work for a little while, so I guess I might have to break out the ghetto bags again.

Lastly here is my first corn...its small but appears normal. In the mini corn field I have corn cobs sprouting like crazy. Anthony and I decided that we would cook this one and both taste it before getting too excited. My original plan was to blanch all the cobs I grew and then cut the corn of the cob and freeze it. I had imagined bags and bags of frozen yummy corn all through the winter. HAHAHA the jokes on me I guess.

Also, we decided to go ahead and pick the first tomato, it was looking awfully appetizing and the birds were squawking and circling. I wish it was a little more ripe but better that I eat it then those DAMN birds!

I am pretty sure that Anthony has a banana pepper and jalapeno pepper ready and we will go out and investigate after dinner. Speaking of dinner my chicken and barley soup was DE-LISH and I made it all by myself. PLUS there was extra, so I froze half of the left overs and put the rest in the fridge. I ate the stuff in the fridge for lunch today! New discovery, I like Barley!!! Who knew. Must write down what I did and use it when the chilly winter comes around! Tonight is shells stuffed with ricotta and tomato sauce. So far we have done a great job of staying on the menu. I know it is only Sunday, but 3 days is amazing for us!! Tomorrow is grilled cheese and tomato soup and then off to the Cardinals vs. Mariners game. SOOOOO EXCITED!!! Alright, also I will be studying the art of hand pollinating tonight due to the lack of bees! This, I have discovered is the one major downfall in gardening in the city. I have seen a few bees and obviously have gotten a few zucchini but I have many more that our not getting pollinated then are. I am going to attempt to get up 15 minutes earlier tomorrow so that I can perform artificial plant sex. Yes, isn't my life entertaining. All for now, more later or tomorrow!
Geat garden! But hand may have lost your mind :) Have fun at the game...go Cards!
ReplyDeleteGarden looks great. You need to plant some flowers to attract bees in your will be amazed at the difference, plus it will look pretty.