Well it has been a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend! Anthony and I both had to work but it wasn't so bad since we work in the morning and our home by the afternoon. It started Friday night when we headed to Ribs of America! Now to be honest this was not something I would have chose to do on my own but I figured Anthony always does what I want so what is one day. Well, lets just say he is not allowed to pick the outings anymore. While the food was DE-LISH and the company was wonderful the other people were scary! We had all types at this shin-dig and some were rather scary. Saturday we both got up early went to work and returned home only to watch the baseball game, nap and have a quiet evening all to ourselves. Sunday, we again returned to work, however after work everyone gathered at our house for a BBQ and drinks! It was a blast and of course, we ate to much, stayed up to late and unfortunately....did not drink enough. And today on this wonderful holiday, we both worked and now are resting on the couch watching tennis (WHICH I HATE, NOTHING LIKE LISTENING TO GROWN MEN GRUNT FOR HOURS ON END, NO THANKS!!!!!) and getting ready to have Meatless Monday! Our friends Mitch and Tara are going to be joining us now on Meatless Monday. Mitch is not thrilled, but being a good sport about it!
A short note on Memorial Day, I just want to say a special THANK YOU TO KEVIN COOPER, he and his wife are dear friends of ours and Kevin spent a year in Iraq serving our country. He returned about this time last year and we are so thrilled he is home safe and sound! We are so proud of him and love him dearly!
My plan is to harvest some more peas and maybe my first Zucchini tomorrow!! After reading my blog my Dad sent me an email about garlic so it sounds like I need to wait alittle longer! Gosh, garlic takes forever! If anyone is interested he mentioned a great book ironically called: Growing Great Garlic and apparently is a great resource, I am hoping to find it at the library!
All for now, its wine time and just some tiding up before Mitch and Tara get here!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
100th POST!!
WOW today is my 100th post! That's crazy!
Anyway, I am currently sitting outside and it 9:35am and probably already 75 degrees and maybe approaching 80! Today is going to be another scorcher, YAY!! I do have to admit I love the heat and although it might get a little warm in the middle of the day and evenings are AMAZING! For the last 3 nights Anthony and I have sat out on the patio drank wine and talked until atleast 9:30pm! Its wonderful!
So my last had a picture of my garlic pots and my mom asked me how to know when its ready well mom, I have no clue really. I went back and read one of the magazines our friendly neighbor ( :) ) sent me in February and it gave a vague answer. So then I went to all the different blogs that I read and one of them head accidently pulled up some garlic and hers looked like an onion, she cleaned it up and cut into it. She explained that it smelled like Garlic and tasted like garlic, however looked more like an onion. I then read all the comments and discovered she just hadn't waited long enough. So I here I sit still not knowing when Garlic was actually done, since the one thing I do not do is wait to long as then the Garlic doesn't taste very good. Ugh, what to do! So this morning I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled up one of my small pots up and this is what it looks like.

It's bulbed out, which I am proud of, but like the one I read about, I don't think it is ready! HMMMMMM...I think I will leave the rest of them in the pots for a little longer and see what happens.
Also we are going to have peppers soon here are some blossoms!

We are also going to have Zucchinis and Squash soon! Let the harvest season BEGIN!!!

Lastly, this is what the dogs are doing this morning.

And Maddie Grace she is protecting the yard from all evil! Or otherwise known as being a tard-monkey! And last but not least Kirby is inside cause it is to hot for him already!
Its time for me to go it, its getting warmish and I have house work to do! I will post about the strawberry patch later, I went off and forgot the memory card for the camera so I took them on the camera and I need the card to get them off and who knows where that is!
Anyway, I am currently sitting outside and it 9:35am and probably already 75 degrees and maybe approaching 80! Today is going to be another scorcher, YAY!! I do have to admit I love the heat and although it might get a little warm in the middle of the day and evenings are AMAZING! For the last 3 nights Anthony and I have sat out on the patio drank wine and talked until atleast 9:30pm! Its wonderful!
So my last had a picture of my garlic pots and my mom asked me how to know when its ready well mom, I have no clue really. I went back and read one of the magazines our friendly neighbor ( :) ) sent me in February and it gave a vague answer. So then I went to all the different blogs that I read and one of them head accidently pulled up some garlic and hers looked like an onion, she cleaned it up and cut into it. She explained that it smelled like Garlic and tasted like garlic, however looked more like an onion. I then read all the comments and discovered she just hadn't waited long enough. So I here I sit still not knowing when Garlic was actually done, since the one thing I do not do is wait to long as then the Garlic doesn't taste very good. Ugh, what to do! So this morning I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled up one of my small pots up and this is what it looks like.
It's bulbed out, which I am proud of, but like the one I read about, I don't think it is ready! HMMMMMM...I think I will leave the rest of them in the pots for a little longer and see what happens.
Also we are going to have peppers soon here are some blossoms!
We are also going to have Zucchinis and Squash soon! Let the harvest season BEGIN!!!
Lastly, this is what the dogs are doing this morning.
And Maddie Grace she is protecting the yard from all evil! Or otherwise known as being a tard-monkey! And last but not least Kirby is inside cause it is to hot for him already!
Its time for me to go it, its getting warmish and I have house work to do! I will post about the strawberry patch later, I went off and forgot the memory card for the camera so I took them on the camera and I need the card to get them off and who knows where that is!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Random shots in the garden!
Gardening Seminar
So yesterday Anthony and I went to an Organic Gardening Seminar at the community center. It was taught by a Master Gardener in the area. It was very interesting, however I didn't learn much. Most of the things she spoke about I have read in a book, online or had personal experience with, so that was kind of disappointing. I did get to speak with her about the Master Gardening Program and unfortunately the next class isn't until January of 2011 so I guess I will have to wait. Which actually works out well since it is $325 and I don't have that to spare at the moment. Anyway, I have some handouts which I will put in the mail to my mommy and she can share it with others.
Tomorrow I believe we are going to go golfing or do something fun and Thursday we are going to the Strawberry Patch!
Maybe I will go out and take some pictures of the garden later after it cools off as it has it 90 for the last couple days. UGH, too hot!
Tomorrow I believe we are going to go golfing or do something fun and Thursday we are going to the Strawberry Patch!
Maybe I will go out and take some pictures of the garden later after it cools off as it has it 90 for the last couple days. UGH, too hot!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's HOT!!!
Today peaked at 90!!!! Woohoo!!! Yesterday topped out at 87, which was also amazing! Here is the only picture I took at Taste of Maplewood. It was nice, but hot! Most of the venders were bars and bistro, so I only tried one of them that happened to be an Italian Place, it was good but not great! There was loud music and we enjoyed that, but it was set up in a parking lot and my feet got hot really fast!

Sorry have to post a picture of the CUTEST DOG IN THE WORLD! This is his favorite spot!

On the gardening front, I harvested my first green beans and some more peas! I don't know about this hot weather and my peas. They may not survive!
Sorry have to post a picture of the CUTEST DOG IN THE WORLD! This is his favorite spot!
On the gardening front, I harvested my first green beans and some more peas! I don't know about this hot weather and my peas. They may not survive!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
So today is my last day off for a while, well until Thursday, so today is my lucky day. Laundry, cleaning house, dog toenails and baths and on and on... UGH! Anyway, so I spent the morning out in the yard. I arranged all my herbs and planted the ones I bought yesterday. I have been wanting to put a little container herb garden together, so this morning I did! Here it is, sorry the picture is a little blurry but the sun is really bright this morning and I haven't figured out my camera yet, to avoid this.

Also, I had told my mom that the dogs had figured out that the 'KEEP OUT' dog fence was pretty easy to scale! Here is an offender, with fresh, good smelling compost Maddie Grace said it was irresistible. No excuses, she will know be wearing an electric collar until she can learn. My little Bumble dog will be wearing one too! I own VERY BAD DOGS!

My pea harvest is going very well here is my 3rd harvest! The are racking up!

Lastly, my Hens have been busy having CHICKS!! This little plant has exploded! I love it!

All for now! I guess its time to do house work! SAD!
Also, I had told my mom that the dogs had figured out that the 'KEEP OUT' dog fence was pretty easy to scale! Here is an offender, with fresh, good smelling compost Maddie Grace said it was irresistible. No excuses, she will know be wearing an electric collar until she can learn. My little Bumble dog will be wearing one too! I own VERY BAD DOGS!
My pea harvest is going very well here is my 3rd harvest! The are racking up!
Lastly, my Hens have been busy having CHICKS!! This little plant has exploded! I love it!
All for now! I guess its time to do house work! SAD!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Corn Field DONE!
So after all the hard work we did the other day, we ran out of steam when it came to my MINI corn field. So today I set out to finish, so it would all be done for us to enjoy Memorial Day weekend. I am hoping to have a same get together for Memorial Day! Here are some pictures of my MINI corn field.

I also planted my pumpkins in this bed, as I found there wasn't much Pumpkins got along with. I plan to start a second set of corn soon, but I wanted to see how it would do with the mulch, plus we are suppose to have great weather this coming week! I don't think I have taken any pictures are talked about my green beans, however these are one of my favorite things to grow. First, I LOVE green bean and second of all I think they are super easy to grow. So here are some pictures are my little green bean plants. I planted a second batch, of which haven't come up yet, so I think I will plant a third planting. You can never have to many green beans.

That's all for now, I blogged a lot today, tomorrow it's house work and to prepare for the week. This coming Thursday Anthony and I are both going to head to a strawberry patch to pick fresh strawberries! I am SUPER excited and poor Anthony is not!
I also planted my pumpkins in this bed, as I found there wasn't much Pumpkins got along with. I plan to start a second set of corn soon, but I wanted to see how it would do with the mulch, plus we are suppose to have great weather this coming week! I don't think I have taken any pictures are talked about my green beans, however these are one of my favorite things to grow. First, I LOVE green bean and second of all I think they are super easy to grow. So here are some pictures are my little green bean plants. I planted a second batch, of which haven't come up yet, so I think I will plant a third planting. You can never have to many green beans.
That's all for now, I blogged a lot today, tomorrow it's house work and to prepare for the week. This coming Thursday Anthony and I are both going to head to a strawberry patch to pick fresh strawberries! I am SUPER excited and poor Anthony is not!
Nursery Finds
This is African Basil, one of Anthony's favorites! This type of Basil was at the Ritz in Georgia so I decided to get it as a little memento of that lovely place(hint of sarcasm!!!!). I haven't decided where I am going to put it but I am thinking in ground by the tomato patch instead of in a pot!

I am into Rosemary these days. I have 3 different kinds now. The kind in the foreground of the picture is what they call BBQ Rosemary, the other behind it is a variety I am not sure of. I am currently researching it, but I thought it was pretty so I decided I needed it! Also in this picture is some Lavender and in front of that is some Okra, not a favorite of mine, but Anthony likes it!

I decided to get Cabbage as well, I like cabbage so I think. Brussel Sprouts are mini cabbages and I love them, so why not. Also I bought some dill, if my cucumbers ever decide to grow (I think they are drowning in all the rain) I will need this dill for pickles. This pickling thing will be a new adventure for Anthony and I! Bless him for putting up with me.

Lastly, FREAKIN' MARIGOLDS!!!! I am going to get these in the ground hopefully tomorrow if not today! If the dogs eat these, I am selling the dogs to the first person and keeping the plants! After the last few weeks and what the dogs have cost me, I might sell them anyway!

Oh and on a side note, I read quite a bit about Stevia yesterday. It says that the first year harvest is not so good, but the second is the best. It sounded like my little plant has a lot of growing to do. More reading to be done, but for now I am going to read about Cabbage, more specifically how to keep the bugs away! I wish you could shoot the little suckers! BUT, at least I don't have raccoons, sorry mom! :(
I am into Rosemary these days. I have 3 different kinds now. The kind in the foreground of the picture is what they call BBQ Rosemary, the other behind it is a variety I am not sure of. I am currently researching it, but I thought it was pretty so I decided I needed it! Also in this picture is some Lavender and in front of that is some Okra, not a favorite of mine, but Anthony likes it!
I decided to get Cabbage as well, I like cabbage so I think. Brussel Sprouts are mini cabbages and I love them, so why not. Also I bought some dill, if my cucumbers ever decide to grow (I think they are drowning in all the rain) I will need this dill for pickles. This pickling thing will be a new adventure for Anthony and I! Bless him for putting up with me.
Lastly, FREAKIN' MARIGOLDS!!!! I am going to get these in the ground hopefully tomorrow if not today! If the dogs eat these, I am selling the dogs to the first person and keeping the plants! After the last few weeks and what the dogs have cost me, I might sell them anyway!
Oh and on a side note, I read quite a bit about Stevia yesterday. It says that the first year harvest is not so good, but the second is the best. It sounded like my little plant has a lot of growing to do. More reading to be done, but for now I am going to read about Cabbage, more specifically how to keep the bugs away! I wish you could shoot the little suckers! BUT, at least I don't have raccoons, sorry mom! :(
So last night after a lazy day Anthony and I sat down to watch Precious. Now, I knew this was going to be hard to watch, but there were multiple times I told Anthony to turn it off! The language was rough and that is putting it lightly, and the content was so heart wrenching it was almost unbearable. I was glad that I watched it in the end, but I am still stunned by the movie! I don't think this will be a movie I buy nor watch multiple times.
Today I am off to BUY MORE MARIGOLDS, and maybe some other little flowers, as well as run buy a nursery close buy to see if they have anything I can't love without. Scary I know! I started a second set of green beans, but they haven't come up yet, which is surprising. I am also going to plant some more zucchini, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe. Unfortunately, some of my little seedlings bit the dust since we have had so much rain. However, the 7 day forecast says it is going to be between 85-90!!! Amazing!!! Alright off to the Starbucks and then to the nursery!
Oh by the way, Mom and friends check with your local Starbucks and most of them will let you bring in a 5 gallon bucket and they will fill it up with coffee grounds and then call you when it is full, which in most stores if you dropped it off on your way to work, you could pick it up on your home. Coffee grounds are GREAT fertilizer!!!
Today I am off to BUY MORE MARIGOLDS, and maybe some other little flowers, as well as run buy a nursery close buy to see if they have anything I can't love without. Scary I know! I started a second set of green beans, but they haven't come up yet, which is surprising. I am also going to plant some more zucchini, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe. Unfortunately, some of my little seedlings bit the dust since we have had so much rain. However, the 7 day forecast says it is going to be between 85-90!!! Amazing!!! Alright off to the Starbucks and then to the nursery!
Oh by the way, Mom and friends check with your local Starbucks and most of them will let you bring in a 5 gallon bucket and they will fill it up with coffee grounds and then call you when it is full, which in most stores if you dropped it off on your way to work, you could pick it up on your home. Coffee grounds are GREAT fertilizer!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sad Realization...
So after working in the garden yesterday (which it is pouring as we speak) and going to the botanical gardens the day before, I have a confession! Remember way back when Anthony and I began digging up and cleaning out the now garden beds, well it turns out that we dug up entire huge bed of Iris', yes I am sure that there are some of you with tears in your eyes as you read, but its true. To confirm our thoughts, yesterday our neighbor came over and was talking with us about the garden. He then says, "Well the previous tenant had the most beautiful rose and flower garden." I cringed to hear this as Anthony and I have spent hours ripping 'stuff' out of these beds! When we were clearing the bed against the garage there were these tuber/bulbs like things that were everywhere, I remember cursing there existence! OOPS! So here is a look back at what the bed looked like!

And now a couple months later this is what it looks like!

So after all the work we did yesterday, I was feeling quite good about myself! Here I had moved into the city and created my own little garden. I have put alot into the ground and continue to do so. Here I thought, I had ripped a bunch of weeds out and put in something useful! However, it turns out I pulled out someone elses hard work and put in my own. Below are pictures of the beautiful Iris' that were at the botanical garden. Enjoy, while I wallow in my sorrow that I ripped up and killed all these beautiful flowers!

And now a couple months later this is what it looks like!
So after all the work we did yesterday, I was feeling quite good about myself! Here I had moved into the city and created my own little garden. I have put alot into the ground and continue to do so. Here I thought, I had ripped a bunch of weeds out and put in something useful! However, it turns out I pulled out someone elses hard work and put in my own. Below are pictures of the beautiful Iris' that were at the botanical garden. Enjoy, while I wallow in my sorrow that I ripped up and killed all these beautiful flowers!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Garden Before and After
So with all the working that I have been doing and with all the rain, there hasn't been anytime for gardening! The weeds were taking over. So Anthony and I started yesterday weeding, mowing and planting some more tomatoes! This is what some of the beds looked like yesterday! My corn is the worst bed, since we turned some of the lawn into this bed!

This is the Brussel Sprout that is doing the best! I planted four, however two have been eaten by bugs! I am hoping that this one pictured and the other one will hang on, as it turns out I LOVE Brussel Sprouts!

My Zuccs! Coming along, lots of boy flowers still, hopefully some fruit soon!

My early girl tomatoes, 6 plants in total all have tomatoes on them! WOOOHOOO!!!

My little Eggplant! So cute!

Broccoli, still alive! This is about how far I have gotten in the past! We will see how long they will hold on!


Sage, this little plant lasted the Georgia winter and the move!

Stevia, I am hopefully going to read about this tomorrow and possibly trying to make sugar in the next few days!

Baby Sage. I started this from seed and have decided this is one of the easiest and quickest herbs to grow!

Baby Parsley! This is one of the longest, hardest herbs to grow!

This is Thyme that I bought more than a year ago! It has surived alot, two moves, winters and being inside and out. Although if you look closely it looks like it cross pollenated with my other Thyme, because it has one lone Thyme stem that doesn't fit with the rest of the plant. This stem is attached and growing out of the main stem. It is very interesting!

I have decided that Oregano is alot like mint. Left to its on devices it would take over the world. I started this Oregano last year from seed and here it is better than ever! I have confined it to a pot after discovering that it was going to take over the garden in Georgia. It has been transplanted atleast 6 times and nothing seems to phase it! Shortly after this picture what taken I gave it a MAJOR haircut! It is completely trimmed back and the cuts are currently drying! I love this little plant!

This Thyme, like Oregano would take over, as well! I also started this from seed last year. Like the Oregano, shortly after this picture the Thyme got a haircut as well! The cuts are also drying in the kitchen!

My little Rosemary is growing like crazy! I transplanted it into a bigger pot and it seems very happy! Can't wait to use it for BBQing!!

My second harvest of Peas!! Woohoo!!

So after visiting the botanical garden yesterday, I realized there was not a weed in sight, but I also noticed that they had leaf compost a couple inches thick in every bed. So while my discovery of FREE leaf compost was still around (The pile is significantly smaller)I decided that I would weed and then pile on the leaf compost. SOOOOO my WONDERFUL hubby took on the job of helping me. We made four trips in total to the community compost pile! My beds look amazing now! I still have a half a bed to do which happens to be the corn, I am hoping to tackle that tomorrow in between rains! I am hoping that this will help keep down the weeds as I don't have as much time as I used to know that I am working!!

I have learned so much from this property! How to make the beds better, what to plant and what is compatible. I already have plans for out permanent house! Maybe someday!
This is the Brussel Sprout that is doing the best! I planted four, however two have been eaten by bugs! I am hoping that this one pictured and the other one will hang on, as it turns out I LOVE Brussel Sprouts!
My Zuccs! Coming along, lots of boy flowers still, hopefully some fruit soon!
My early girl tomatoes, 6 plants in total all have tomatoes on them! WOOOHOOO!!!
My little Eggplant! So cute!
Broccoli, still alive! This is about how far I have gotten in the past! We will see how long they will hold on!
Sage, this little plant lasted the Georgia winter and the move!
Stevia, I am hopefully going to read about this tomorrow and possibly trying to make sugar in the next few days!
Baby Sage. I started this from seed and have decided this is one of the easiest and quickest herbs to grow!
Baby Parsley! This is one of the longest, hardest herbs to grow!
This is Thyme that I bought more than a year ago! It has surived alot, two moves, winters and being inside and out. Although if you look closely it looks like it cross pollenated with my other Thyme, because it has one lone Thyme stem that doesn't fit with the rest of the plant. This stem is attached and growing out of the main stem. It is very interesting!
I have decided that Oregano is alot like mint. Left to its on devices it would take over the world. I started this Oregano last year from seed and here it is better than ever! I have confined it to a pot after discovering that it was going to take over the garden in Georgia. It has been transplanted atleast 6 times and nothing seems to phase it! Shortly after this picture what taken I gave it a MAJOR haircut! It is completely trimmed back and the cuts are currently drying! I love this little plant!
This Thyme, like Oregano would take over, as well! I also started this from seed last year. Like the Oregano, shortly after this picture the Thyme got a haircut as well! The cuts are also drying in the kitchen!
My little Rosemary is growing like crazy! I transplanted it into a bigger pot and it seems very happy! Can't wait to use it for BBQing!!
My second harvest of Peas!! Woohoo!!
So after visiting the botanical garden yesterday, I realized there was not a weed in sight, but I also noticed that they had leaf compost a couple inches thick in every bed. So while my discovery of FREE leaf compost was still around (The pile is significantly smaller)I decided that I would weed and then pile on the leaf compost. SOOOOO my WONDERFUL hubby took on the job of helping me. We made four trips in total to the community compost pile! My beds look amazing now! I still have a half a bed to do which happens to be the corn, I am hoping to tackle that tomorrow in between rains! I am hoping that this will help keep down the weeds as I don't have as much time as I used to know that I am working!!
I have learned so much from this property! How to make the beds better, what to plant and what is compatible. I already have plans for out permanent house! Maybe someday!
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