Friday, May 21, 2010

Nursery Finds

This is African Basil, one of Anthony's favorites! This type of Basil was at the Ritz in Georgia so I decided to get it as a little memento of that lovely place(hint of sarcasm!!!!). I haven't decided where I am going to put it but I am thinking in ground by the tomato patch instead of in a pot!

I am into Rosemary these days. I have 3 different kinds now. The kind in the foreground of the picture is what they call BBQ Rosemary, the other behind it is a variety I am not sure of. I am currently researching it, but I thought it was pretty so I decided I needed it! Also in this picture is some Lavender and in front of that is some Okra, not a favorite of mine, but Anthony likes it!

I decided to get Cabbage as well, I like cabbage so I think. Brussel Sprouts are mini cabbages and I love them, so why not. Also I bought some dill, if my cucumbers ever decide to grow (I think they are drowning in all the rain) I will need this dill for pickles. This pickling thing will be a new adventure for Anthony and I! Bless him for putting up with me.

Lastly, FREAKIN' MARIGOLDS!!!! I am going to get these in the ground hopefully tomorrow if not today! If the dogs eat these, I am selling the dogs to the first person and keeping the plants! After the last few weeks and what the dogs have cost me, I might sell them anyway!

Oh and on a side note, I read quite a bit about Stevia yesterday. It says that the first year harvest is not so good, but the second is the best. It sounded like my little plant has a lot of growing to do. More reading to be done, but for now I am going to read about Cabbage, more specifically how to keep the bugs away! I wish you could shoot the little suckers! BUT, at least I don't have raccoons, sorry mom! :(


  1. You have quite a few great finds there. Thanks for the raccoon comment.....I may have to come and live with you when this is over because I am going to be in the poor house:(

  2. Boy I wish you lived closer, because you could have all the rosemary you wanted off my bush, plus a bunch of other herbs that grow out of control. Plant the marigolds next to the cabbage and maybe that will help with the bugs.
