So after working in the garden yesterday (which it is pouring as we speak) and going to the botanical gardens the day before, I have a confession! Remember way back when Anthony and I began digging up and cleaning out the now garden beds, well it turns out that we dug up entire huge bed of Iris', yes I am sure that there are some of you with tears in your eyes as you read, but its true. To confirm our thoughts, yesterday our neighbor came over and was talking with us about the garden. He then says, "Well the previous tenant had the most beautiful rose and flower garden." I cringed to hear this as Anthony and I have spent hours ripping 'stuff' out of these beds! When we were clearing the bed against the garage there were these tuber/bulbs like things that were everywhere, I remember cursing there existence! OOPS! So here is a look back at what the bed looked like!

And now a couple months later this is what it looks like!

So after all the work we did yesterday, I was feeling quite good about myself! Here I had moved into the city and created my own little garden. I have put alot into the ground and continue to do so. Here I thought, I had ripped a bunch of weeds out and put in something useful! However, it turns out I pulled out someone elses hard work and put in my own. Below are pictures of the beautiful Iris' that were at the botanical garden. Enjoy, while I wallow in my sorrow that I ripped up and killed all these beautiful flowers!

Oh dear! Yes Iris are beautiful, I actually have some new ones this year. But look at it this way....with the way the world is you can use the veges and the flowers although would have been pretty but not edible :) Too bad you didn't ask me or basket gal what these tubers were because you could have put them in pots and they would have grown and flowered. But no sense crying over pulled out flowers look at your vege beds they are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteBummer...but you have made a beautiful garden and have enhanced the soil for many gardens to come! I love Iris and have several in my yard, so if you ever get closer to us I will give you some so you can feel better about the whole ordeal!
ReplyDeleteYes, I think the moving closer idea is a great one! Then we could really go crazy in our gardens together. :)