Is your name MATER two!
So to my suprise while I was out watering the other day I discovered I have green tomatoes already!! It's May for goodness sakes! The tomato plants themselves are not very big but they are already flowering and obviously producing tomatoes. I don't know anything about this variety, other then they are 'Early Girls,' and that they are.
I picked my first pea pods yesterday, too! I was so excited! Although this is a different variety then I have grown in past and they seem to be doing fine now with a little help from some phosphorus.
Lastly, I have successfully, accidently grown roses. I have no clue what type they are or even what to do with them, but for the time being they are pretty to look at. Here is one, from the middle of the yard where the bird bath thingy is.
Emma is very much into flowers and maybe just plants in general. I think she thinks she is a BIG BEE, as she goes from flower to flower sticking her BIG nose in each one.
I am off today, it was really nice to sleep in alittle. Anthony and I are going to play golf today, WELL, Anthony is going to play and I am going to ride in the cart. I just got a new Organic Gardening magazine in the mail yesterday so I guess I can read while he plays. I did briefly look through and there is a whole section on chickens!!! Did someone buy me a subscription cause it has our new address on it?? If anyone did, THANKS!! I will be sure to take pictures of our golfing adventure and post them later. Have a great day everyone!
We haven't even planted Tomato Plants yet! Your roses look beautiful. Are they growing on the fence. If they are climbing roses ask Basket Gal I think she has some. Emma loves flowers...actually she probably is just looking for bugs to chase :) are lucky to have veggies already! I am going this weekend to buy tomato plants and hopefully be able to put them outside in a week or so. Roses just need to be fertilized a lot and watered regulary and then they shouldn't get diseases...very pretty and nice bumble dog.