This is the Brussel Sprout that is doing the best! I planted four, however two have been eaten by bugs! I am hoping that this one pictured and the other one will hang on, as it turns out I LOVE Brussel Sprouts!
My Zuccs! Coming along, lots of boy flowers still, hopefully some fruit soon!
My early girl tomatoes, 6 plants in total all have tomatoes on them! WOOOHOOO!!!
My little Eggplant! So cute!
Broccoli, still alive! This is about how far I have gotten in the past! We will see how long they will hold on!
Sage, this little plant lasted the Georgia winter and the move!
Stevia, I am hopefully going to read about this tomorrow and possibly trying to make sugar in the next few days!
Baby Sage. I started this from seed and have decided this is one of the easiest and quickest herbs to grow!
Baby Parsley! This is one of the longest, hardest herbs to grow!
This is Thyme that I bought more than a year ago! It has surived alot, two moves, winters and being inside and out. Although if you look closely it looks like it cross pollenated with my other Thyme, because it has one lone Thyme stem that doesn't fit with the rest of the plant. This stem is attached and growing out of the main stem. It is very interesting!
I have decided that Oregano is alot like mint. Left to its on devices it would take over the world. I started this Oregano last year from seed and here it is better than ever! I have confined it to a pot after discovering that it was going to take over the garden in Georgia. It has been transplanted atleast 6 times and nothing seems to phase it! Shortly after this picture what taken I gave it a MAJOR haircut! It is completely trimmed back and the cuts are currently drying! I love this little plant!
This Thyme, like Oregano would take over, as well! I also started this from seed last year. Like the Oregano, shortly after this picture the Thyme got a haircut as well! The cuts are also drying in the kitchen!
My little Rosemary is growing like crazy! I transplanted it into a bigger pot and it seems very happy! Can't wait to use it for BBQing!!
My second harvest of Peas!! Woohoo!!
So after visiting the botanical garden yesterday, I realized there was not a weed in sight, but I also noticed that they had leaf compost a couple inches thick in every bed. So while my discovery of FREE leaf compost was still around (The pile is significantly smaller)I decided that I would weed and then pile on the leaf compost. SOOOOO my WONDERFUL hubby took on the job of helping me. We made four trips in total to the community compost pile! My beds look amazing now! I still have a half a bed to do which happens to be the corn, I am hoping to tackle that tomorrow in between rains! I am hoping that this will help keep down the weeds as I don't have as much time as I used to know that I am working!!
I have learned so much from this property! How to make the beds better, what to plant and what is compatible. I already have plans for out permanent house! Maybe someday!
I hate weeds! Your beds look great! I wish we had a free compost pile somewhere. Your brussel sprout plant looks great...remember they are a late crop, ours did not actually develop brussel sprouts till the very end of summer/early fall.
ReplyDeleteEverything is looking great! I hate weeds, too, and put black landscape fabric in all of my beds to help warm the soil and have less weeding. Chris accidentally bought the wrong soil last week, so I used it for a mulch around my plants and it looks great like yours does...I love compost and dirt!