Ready, set, GO!
So these are all my little seedlings!!
My first little Zucchini! Isn't she cute! (She is a girl, because she bears fruit behind her blossom, the males are just the blossoms on a stem)
Hope at the beginning of the gardening day! It is her semi-Lucy pose.
First I planted Broccoli...they are really hard to see in this picture, but I promise they are there. Fingers crossed...this is my third time trying to grow Broccoli!
My poor peas...they have blossoms, and I have two pea pods, but their stems are just so wimpy. The leaves are pretty green, but I just feel like they are wimpy.
Will I have blueberries this year?? I hope so!
My garlic is huge, I love it. I can't wait to harvest them!
Hope doing her part of the gardening...holding done the tarp! Just in case the wind was to blow, she is ready!
Corn, I think I have about 8 rows, and about 10 plants in each row. I am going to have lots of corn but super excited to freeze it and have MY corn year round.
Taters. I believe these are just little Red Potatoes. I planted Yukons as well, but they are in the ground next to the onions, and they are just now starting to come up. I discovered them today actually and was so excited to see the little leaves.
Master Gardeners Maddie Grace, EmmaLou and Anthony. MG Anthony is multi-talented he can weed and talk on the phone. The dogs were so helpful today, luckily they are super tired tonight!
This is my one and only Eggplant. The dogs and Anthony love Eggplant, so I grow it for them! Once again this year this little plant is a different variety then the year before. These are going to be purple with white stripes! I have grown the Japanese long purple ones, (that was the first year) and last year I grew little round white ones.
Peppers, originally this bed was going to be sunflowers, then it was going to be herbs, well, now it is peppers! Your welcome my wonderful hubby!
My first tomatoes! These are called Early Girls! A little box of 6 was only 3.95!!! Hopefully they will do great in there new home.
Snakes!!!! This is one of FIVE, that Anthony and I found under the black tarps in the yard. Just little gardener snakes, but still I made Anthony catch them and put them over the fence. Yes, I know they are probably just going to slither back but maybe, JUST MAYBE they got the hint that I DID NOT WANT THEM!
Emma pointing a bird. You can just barely see the little bird near the fence. She was dead still for a quite sometime, until Maddie Grace ran towards the fence and flushed the bird up. Emma gets so mad at her for chasing the birds away!
The yard from the sidewalk!
The Master Gardener weeding. Bless his heart he did 3 whole garden beds. I was busy planting, but I did do some weeding at the end to help him finish the last bed!
Tulips in my yard.
Flowers in the neighbors' yard. This house is actually vacant, and I would love to go over there and dig them up, however I am pretty sure that is stealing, so I guess I will just have to settle for pictures of them.
Here is my LOVE/HATE tree, now it has pretty green leaves. AND yes mom, you were right it is a Magnolia Tree.
This is one of my flower pots on the front porch.
My lone tulip! It is in the front yard, and it was the only one to come up there.
My Hens are FINALLY starting to have Chicks!! WOOOHOOO!!!
Hope at the end of the day. She had a rough day, and this is how she feels about weeding!
Today was a great day, it was beautiful outside and we got tons done! Breakfast was amazing this morning and a great way to start off the day. Tomorrow I have a hair appointment and then maybe some baking as it is suppose to rain all day, yuck! Hope everyone had a great Earth Day. I am headed to bed as I am very tired and am sure I will feel all of my gardening tomorrow!
Wow! What a busy and productive day! I am not sure why Hope is so tired, did she do anything except hold the tarp down!! Your yard looks great and you have flowers! I am so proud. I am not very happy I spent 3 hours on Earth Day planting bulbs and the Damn Squirrels came and dug them up and took them! I am sure it was squirrels...cute little holes and the bulb gone :(
ReplyDeleteThis is great...I felt like I spent the day with you and your gang. The semi-Lucy pose is funny! Everything looks great and you continue to inspire me! You are an official member of the "Dirt Society", too!