Anyway, onto my discovery, as many of you know my mother has chickens and loves them dearly. I too, want chickens! After being at a farmers market a couple of days ago and seeing a sign for $5 dollars a dozen for eggs, Anthony has decided that maybe chickens aren't such a bad idea! So I have got the 'go ahead' on getting some chickens. So I set out to decide on a breed, I decided on Plymouth Barred Rocks, black and white chickens that are both good for eggs and meat. However, I am still not sure about killing these little chickens. Anyway, I next set out on finding housing for these little guys...that is the tough part. Then, I discovered these houses called Eglu's! They are adorable, and I really want one. I guess I will have to save my tip money from Starbucks for about 6 weeks or so to be able to afford one, or of course I am always taking donations. LOL! Anyway check out the website (, they look perfect what I need! I really just want to 2, maybe 3 chickens for eggs right now, maybe someday I will have a chicken meat operation, but not anytime soon.
Here are my mom's chickens; Beyonce, Oprah and Michelle in that order, they are so cute!
That is more than a mother wants to hear in a day......especially the Tornado part. But I am going to continue harping about having some some type of preparation for being in the basement. Remember to keep your cell phone charged at all TIMES!!!! I didn't know you took pictures of the girls! I do love them so....they are the best and also give 3 fresh eggs a day! Just having 3....not alot spent on food, not a lot of care but give back alot of enjoyment :) You don't probably remember but we had Barred Rocks when you were a little girl. As a breed not as docile and friendly as the girls but a bigger chicken! So.. I suppose if you had the heart to eat them...:(
ReplyDeleteI don't know what happened but my comment I posted last night must be in cyberspace! Anyway thanks for posting about my chickens. I love them! I looked at the website about portable houses. They seemed very small and I know you can move them around but Chickens poop alot and do get anxious in tight quarters. When we were waiting for our new chicken coop to be built they were locked in their little pen on the grass....oh what a mess! We had a few Barred Rocks when you were little, they are a big chicken, much bigger than the girls. Go to the Backyard chicken website you can find out what they recommend as far as how much room for what chickens. They are a bit whacky but who isn't:)
ReplyDeleteGreat photos of the girls and I'm glad they finally got in a blog! I love the eggs that your mom gives us! You were in my thoughts with the tornado and I called your mom to see if you were ok...yuck. I've only experienced a tornado once and that was enough. I was in a Kmart store in North Dakota when the tornado warnings went off and we had to evacuate because they didn't have a basement. I will never forget the sky and the way the air almost sucked the air out of you. We watched it start to touch down and then it was sucked back up in the dark clouds. Terrifying...I'm glad you are ok. Get that kit together soon!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am glad the girls got in the blog too! I guess I am going to have to get creative and start my own blog. I need a better camera though.....the pictures on both of your blogs are always so good! With all of our blogging time who has time to work:)