Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday, Funday!

My Sunday funday was filled with cleaning, laundry and preparing for the busy week ahead! The weather was beautiful, so my little seedlings spent the day outside as well as yesterday I had to 'hill up' my red potatoes in the big pot they are growing in. I hope they actually make potatoes!

After Anthony got off work we went to the park to the Eco-Expo of St. Louis. Some of it was interesting but all in all it was just another crazy idea I had, that poor Anthony had to go along with. Poor guy. I am pretty sure he thinks he married a crazy person and my true colors are starting to show.

Tomorrow is Emma's 4Th birthday. I can not believe they are four already, it makes me kinda sad. Maddie Grace and I went to a dog bakery on Friday and ordered Emma's cake, which I will pick up tomorrow on my way home from work. I will be sure to take pictures of the cake eating as well as the cake itself. I was going to make her one, but since Maddie Grace's birthday cupcakes were a flop I decided against it. I think this cake is complete with peanut butter frosting. Who knows, when Anthony sees it he will for sure think I have gone off the deep end.

Well it is time to enjoy an adult beverage or two and then hit the hay!

1 comment:

  1. I find it hard to call Sunday a Funday when one has to do laundry and clean house! I suppose it is just fun being home. Adult beverages they always make the day more fun:)

    Happy Birthday to Emma from her Mother and the rest of the gang!
